Magickal Fantasy

Enchanted Fair at Foam Hendge October 13 2007

Quite a magickal place indeed! The creator of Foam Hendge provided wonderful sculptures of gargoyels and other magickal creatures. No photos were taken of these creatures, but the good news is the fair will happen again next year! So, come see me in person! I look foward to even more fun and excitment!

Green Hill Medieval Fair October 13 2007

Look closely to see the moon !
Roanoke County welcomed the renfair obsssed from far and wide. Medieval Fantasies Company was able to attract many fine vendors, reinactors, and performers. The turnout was spectacular!

The Queen and Black Knight held a fine Court to patrons.

We were well protected by a gallant crusading knight.

My magical brood traveled with my gypsie heart.

Later they chose their own destiny and rode with a viking ship to pillage and plunder.

I will be back next year with more art and trinkets. I may even read a palm or two next time.

Pagan Pride Day Charlottesville October 13 2007

This was a wonderfully clear day. It was so nice to participate in community and be so well recieved artistically. My love of nature has always inpired me. I look foward to next years event.

Black Butterfly July 31 2007

  • this is my poetry and is copyrighted along with my art. i have music to this song and hope to have it playing someday with the website. We’ll see. For now I feel compelled to share.

Black Butterfly,
Fly with me tonight,
Black Butterfly ,
Won’t ya just be kind to me.

Saw ya in the moonlight dancing all around,
Saw ya travel towards me ,
And you almost touched the ground.

Black Butterfly,
Fly with me tonight.
Black Butterfly ,
Won’t ya just be kind to me.

Saw ya in my dreams,
Your shadows drifted across my face.
Saw the blue on your wing,
and it put me in my place.

Thinkin about puts a smile
on my lips.
Put my hand in the wind ,
So you can touch my finger tips.

Black Butterfly,
Fly with me tonight.
Black butterfly,
Just be kind to me.

Magickal Things Jewelry and trinkets July 27 2007

We have launched our hand made Magickal Things jewelry. These items have only been available through Magickal Things at festivals. Now Magickal things is able to offer Earrings, Hair clips, and now socks. All items with Magickal things are original design. At Magickal Things our jewelry is customized to fit the shape of the tumbled glass, the wire is wrapped in an artistic design. We do more than string beads here. We create innovative Magickal Jewelry that is made with intention.Magickal Things now offers it’s graphic designs on picture frame earringsthen it is wire wrapped and beaded to match the graphic. No one else offers this choice and innovation. We even offer our graphics on socks. Magickal things hair clips are only made with quality practical hair clips. Designer Marjorie Dulaney has very long hair and does not like to fuss with her long locks, so if it holds Marjorie DUlaney’s hair then it will hold yours. Marjorie also wears Magickal Things jewelry in her everyday life. These products are tested by a woman who like to be sparkly in the outdoors. She is a mom on the go that needs durable jewelry. Enjoy Magickal Things new products. More High en clothing will be available in the fall Enjoy

Gloucester Ren Faire July 16 2007

I had much fun at this event. Many people from that area were happy to see something different and magickal in their area. For the first time I brought my girls along, they enjoyed dressing up and visiting with the other merchants children. I also introduced my new line of Ren Faire friendly Clothing and two new graphic designs. These Butterfly designs were well received. The flowing skirts, gypsy blouses, and mens shirts and other fantasy type clothing will be available in the fall online. Until then you will just have to visit my booth! This clothing is also modern day friendly for people who like a BOHEMIAN look. There are new girls dresses as well.

I thank everyone for supporting my art at these faire, festivals, and shows that I attend. Being an artist and making a having a business is not easy, but it is worth it when people still appreciate original designs and ideas. I try to make my art available in very functional ways to give the customer the ability to express the magick that is within them. I could not do this without all of you.

Stone Tower Glenn Renaissance Faire June 20 2007

This was truly a faire to remember! My gypsie heart had a wonderful time selling my wares.

I had painted a new “Tree of Life” on my tent. It looked magickal against the Natural Chimnies Stone Tower.

A celtic potter set herself free of her bonds!

In the distant Towers a Barbarian observed danger!

Dragons were approaching!

A pirate and the Barbarian fought the dragons fiercely!

The musicians played and rejoiced!

The fairies danced and the woodland creatures enjoyed the show.

I met another wise magickal gypsie.

Sometimes being at the fair was difficult.

A naughty young lad kept playing tricks on me. So I used my Gypsie Magick to turn him into a tricky fox. Unfortunately he ducked when I cast the spell. It was only half effective. His hair did get a bit redder but the tail he so now loves got infected. I am afraid it will have to be removed. Otherwise it was a Magickal Day.

Magick, Expressionistic Art, and Magickal Clothing June 06 2007

I believe that Magick can be found in every culture and every religion. From Pagans to Christians Magickal symbols have been used to represent concepts in art. In Medieval art many pagan symbols were used by Christians to represent their Ideas. The mythical unicorn is a symbol of purity and often used to represent the purity of Christ.

In my own art I am heavily influenced by mystical creatures magickal beings and how they relate to nature. I use an expressionistic style in my art. Most fantasy art is in a more surreal format. I find that the expressionistic style makes the art even more interesting and allows for romance.

Clothing has always been used to express who we are and what we enjoy. I love romantic clothing and I love magickal themes. I also love being in the outdoors and doing very active things. A peasant blouse is not always practical on a five mile hike. I found modern active-wear in very feminine styles. Having Magickal images on my active-wear allows me to feel connected to my own spirituality and a sense of magick.

The Virginia Wine and Craft Festival May 27 2007

What a great day! I have some new painted faces from that show, so check them out on the painted faces page. I also introduced my virtual terminal system through paypal. This allows me to accept credit cards. I met a few customers who wished me blessed be and I thank you. See you at the next venue.

Beltane at Heavenly Acres May 16 2007

What a great experience. I wish my camera had not gone beserk so I could show a face or two. A wondeful festival with a great community spirit. The May Pole was so Lovely! The closing Ceremony touched my ancient soul. Blessed Be to all that attended. See you next years!

Graves Mountain Festival May 16 2007

I had quite a few face painting sessions at Grave’s this year. So nice to see so many faces. I was quite a windy weekend. I welcome the new faces to the site.

festival of trees January 13 2007

this tree was actioned off at the Festival of Trees. This event raised money for the Windmore Art Foundation.