Forest Fae Conjure A time traveling Faery January 29 2014

It was the middle of winter the fae were cold and bored. 

The Dogwood Faery had nothing to do no leaves to grow no people to watch NOTHING!


The Red Bud Faery had the same dilemma no blossoms to bloom no people to play tricks on it was too cols even for the dogs and cats there was nothing to do but be cold and bored.




The Dogwood Faery had a very mischievous plan for entertainment. 


The Redbud Faery thought about the idea and agreed it would be most troublesome and fun.


So they made a faerie circle and conjured a time traveler.


The Elven Time Traveler was more than bewildered she was annoyed by the faeries troublesome games when she had thing to adventure and discover.

But the Dogwood faery was determined to have some games. The time traveler was not amused.



The Time Traveler showed the faeries her magickal back pack that ;ets her sour through eons on gossamer wings.


She explained that she had made the wings after the sketches of Leonardo's Flying Machines and that she had intended to who them to him in the Renaissance Era when suddenly she was pulled in by a portal. The  Dogwood Faery then understood the irritation of the elven time traveler and realized she needed to say good bye.


 The time traveler left and the Dogwood Faery looked on.

The Redbud Faery had a feeling shed be back. And then a chill swept across the glen and the faeries nested back into the forest.