Magickal Fantasy

A Midsummers Night Dream copyright 2013 June 12 2013

 I am a fine artist , but I love creating crafted costume props and making them affordable. I started my company so that anyone  had the opportunity to buy my creations. My latest Midsummer's Fae Collection of Crowns , Wands, and Wings are  elegant , simple, and affordable. Its a challenge to use materials that are nontraditional and be artistic with them. The result was quite magickal!

Crowns are braided wire and silk flowers with matching bubble wands. the bubble wands come with a strap. The Dragonfly Fae Wings cme in single and double. Stack them and create a triple wing effect. Best thing abbput these props? They are WATERPROOF ! Perfect fair props.   (I also made the top displayed with theses peaces)

Im on Etsy again April 03 2013

 you can purchase my items from ETSY as well as here. Either way you need ot call me to process the credit card we can di it over hte phone through the square. A lot of wonderful art is on Etsy i buy from there .

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Im on easy again April 03 2013

 you can purchase my items from ETSY as well as here. Either way you need ot call me to process the credit card we can di it over hte phone through the square. A lot of wonderful art is on Etsy i buy from there .