Stone Tower Glenn Renaissance Faire June 20 2007

This was truly a faire to remember! My gypsie heart had a wonderful time selling my wares.

I had painted a new “Tree of Life” on my tent. It looked magickal against the Natural Chimnies Stone Tower.

A celtic potter set herself free of her bonds!

In the distant Towers a Barbarian observed danger!

Dragons were approaching!

A pirate and the Barbarian fought the dragons fiercely!

The musicians played and rejoiced!

The fairies danced and the woodland creatures enjoyed the show.

I met another wise magickal gypsie.

Sometimes being at the fair was difficult.

A naughty young lad kept playing tricks on me. So I used my Gypsie Magick to turn him into a tricky fox. Unfortunately he ducked when I cast the spell. It was only half effective. His hair did get a bit redder but the tail he so now loves got infected. I am afraid it will have to be removed. Otherwise it was a Magickal Day.