Magickal Fantasy

Broken Hearts in the Lost and Found May 28 2017

Cupids broken Arrow came falling to the ground
No destiny no fate no soul mate around
Just a broken Arrow fallen to the ground.

All the broken hearts in the lost and found
There is always another every time I turn around.
Some are battered some are bruised
Some are tortured and some just used.
But every single one feels so very abused

Take that broken Arrow
and let that jealous love die
Souless stolen moments
Filled with a loveless little lie

All the broken hearts in the lost and found
There is always another every time I turn around.
Some are battered some are bruised
Some are tortured and some just used.
But every single one feels so very abused

Don't want that broken Arrow
skinning my heart
Leading me to a fate narrow
Doomed from the start

All the broken hearts in the lost and found
There is always another every time I turn around.
Some are battered some are bruised
Some are tortured and some just used.
But every single one feels so very abused

Boy you better fix your arrows
Get your back your aim
Send down the love
Because everyone is insane.

All the broken hearts in the lost and found
There is always another every time I turn around.
Some are battered some are bruised
Some are tortured and some just used.
But every single one feels so very abused

Silk Rose Flower Fae July 07 2016

One day she just showed up in our garden. She was never affraid of us . We were only slightly afraid of her. She never spoke not once .

Not a word she never looked us in the eye like we didn't exist but not as though she were angry with us but rather because she did not believe that we even existed .


In her world al she knew were beings who made thing grow and caused trouble for humans if and when they saw them. She wad quite powerful and we were great full she made out garden bloom.

Sing Angeline December 25 2015

Don't cry Angelina 

Don't make a fuss

Or a scene 

Don't ever let them see

They have hurt  you


So since Angelina 

Let your pain sound serine

Let them see you have a heart 

Worth hurting.


Let your voice rring Angelina

Let it  rise to be seen

You only have yourself 

To rtry to slay this


But dont  hide Angelina 

The worst days you 

Have yet seen

And these days will show 

You what your  made of


So sing Angelina 

Let the pain sound serine 

Let them hear your have a 

Soul that's burning


all she really needed was the dress. photographs by Dylan Dymond dress by The art and design of Marjorie Dulaney May 07 2015

Time Traveling to collect the perfect items for the wedding. Sally the international  time traveling assasin wasn't really settling down this was a job like any other . To stop catastrophe before it happens. Was all a part of the job. Yet somehow this particular assignment pulled a heartnstring or two on her builder heart. Wedding the most dangerous leader in history just to snuff him out latter left sally lamenting at the lack of romance on the scenario. After all it was a wedding that deserved special attention to details ." its always in the details"   thought Sally. The main part of the celebration qwas being taken care of by the groom as he was very controlling as most dictators happen to be. However sally and her time bending skills will allow her to collect the perfect species in time for her subtle minimal futuristic wedding.

Rare butter cups and dandelions from the 21st century. Plants extinc in the barren waste lands of the future. At least gas ask designs had improved to be mor fashionablue.


Ah a few sweet wiffs of air before returning to her future husband. Sad really. Inspite of her job being an international time traveling asassin she was enjoying this assignment, using her domestic skills was fun.

Back to the future to finish the task at hand.

Spirit Walk In Seattle April 02 2015

In February this winter in Virginia it felt cold grey and smpw and ice covered. Most would vacation to a sunny location , but the Fae Call me away to a mist rainy land that is green and beginning to bloom in February.

         I was exhibiting at Mythicic Worlds and went a day early to absorb the magick of Seattle on a Spirit Walk. It bigins with light rail into the city.From the train you can see all the beautiful trees. Of the pacific  northwest. All the green misty land scape . Giving hope to the soul  that new growth and life endures.After entering near with street I am able to walk towards the sea. The air there is humid and a temperate misty rain fills the air with an slight chill. A major icon of Pikes Market signs tells me the water is steps away.


The peace of the water allows me to be emersed onto the art of the city.

A quick walk through some shops absorbing all the sights my spirit needs refreshed



Not all the sights are artistic

The sounds oh the beautiful sounds through street performers.

I treasure the daffodils that I won't see on Virginia for another month.

II must get back to the train and set up for Mythic Worlds . Even on the train I see a mixture of art and trees and flowers.

I never regret !y spirit walks in cities. Its cleansing invigorating and refreshing. At Mythic Worlds I found turned a beautiful girl into a mermad. Because after all I was by the Sea.



The Year behind the year ahead. January 17 2015

This past year brought us travel . We expanded ournLust Street location and held monthly events. We have done workshops on location and developed better henna skills. We have expanded our costuming options ,jewelry lone, art dolls, and increased our line of printed products. The year ahead we look to give back to our local community through the arts and events. We have some couture surprises and some new designs and paintings yet to come. 2015 hold surprises and new adventures ahead. Enjoy the random selection of shows and events .

Journey to Avalon March 23 2014

                                    It started with a Faerie Festival in Gloustonbury England. My art was accepted for The Avalon Faery Fayre in Gloustonbury home of many sacred sacred sights and vortexes of energy. Where the mists of avalon really do exist on the hilltop of the Tor. Old faith lives with new faith. And even those who don't believe in magic believe something is special in Avalon.Yes the Faerie Fayer was Enchanting and by being there I was amongst a spiritual family to take my pilgrimage. Life changing and inspiring.

                                       The town of Gloustonbury has many galleries and shops and restaurants that cater to the magickal bohemian crowd and that alone would keep me under a spell forever but my Journey to the Sacred Sights showed me i belonged there long ago. Visiting the Tor really was not something I had planned on doing in my life time I knew of it vaguely as a distant dream in a story. Being able to be there changed things for me. This now was a pilgrimage to return my acestral spirits and transform my own through healing the past. For me to drink form the cared well and for me to see the abbey n ruins.

                                     our first day Thursday we were able to wander through the town to see the galleries.



This mural was the first thing I noticed and I cried a bit to be honest. We walked on and i saw a door I had sketched that felt like a portal to me when I drew it. Here it was before just a pub door, but I had drawn this door before I had seen it.

I knew then the journey would be more intense and have a deeper soul connection than I realized. A portal for my soul did exist and magic was real. A few feet away we walked past the a building a piece of lichen from the building hit me in the head . I looked up and it was part of Gloustonbury Abbey. We visited the gift shop the tours had closed but we could still see it clearly from other angles. The gift shop attendant told us of bit of the history of the Abbey and its destruction. It was a gloomy day when we took the pictures. The following day I would pilgrim to the Tor.


                       The day we walked to the foot path of the Tor there was a local funeral. Fitting as I was about to release the essence of my mother onto that hill freeting her spirit.

The children stayed behind as I continued that up hill climb . Again here I was taking the most unattainable path to peace and tranquility. Jist getting to the bottom of the hill to the for was a journey Really I stayed focused on the uphill climb and it felt exhausting to do. I count turn around i needed to do that journey for her and then at some point that journey was mine. mine to release her energy to the four directions and allow her ash to rest in a place she only dreamed of going and a journey for me to transcend the experience beyond the surface lore. When I reached the top where the Tor was there were people just like me who made that journey tired and wanting to bask in the absolute piece and magic. A magic that you can not stay in a magic that you must be in to experience. And release her I did and with it i released and removed the belief that dreams were not possible and simply foolish. No dreams are meant to be lived and we did that on that very mountain top.

The Tor is believed to be the sight where Gwenivere and King Arthur are buried. Lore my mother read in every version.


There is a way to walk straight down the other side of the Tor to go to the sacred well but I had to back track to the bottom of the footpath that led to the steps of the Tor. the children would journey with me to the sacred well where we found plain and simple peace and gentleness in that garden and we drank form the sacred well and collected the water. I truly felt the presence of Mary and Jesus here.


                               The next two days I spent the Avalon Faery Fayre meeting new people and telling them of my pilgrimage and showing them the art I created inspired much by tales from Gloustonbury. The  first two images  are from The George and Pilgrim Pub the in where we stayed said to be haunted. The last is from the Fayer that was held in Gloustonbury Town Hall.


Forest Fae Conjure A time traveling Faery January 29 2014

It was the middle of winter the fae were cold and bored. 

The Dogwood Faery had nothing to do no leaves to grow no people to watch NOTHING!


The Red Bud Faery had the same dilemma no blossoms to bloom no people to play tricks on it was too cols even for the dogs and cats there was nothing to do but be cold and bored.




The Dogwood Faery had a very mischievous plan for entertainment. 


The Redbud Faery thought about the idea and agreed it would be most troublesome and fun.


So they made a faerie circle and conjured a time traveler.


The Elven Time Traveler was more than bewildered she was annoyed by the faeries troublesome games when she had thing to adventure and discover.

But the Dogwood faery was determined to have some games. The time traveler was not amused.



The Time Traveler showed the faeries her magickal back pack that ;ets her sour through eons on gossamer wings.


She explained that she had made the wings after the sketches of Leonardo's Flying Machines and that she had intended to who them to him in the Renaissance Era when suddenly she was pulled in by a portal. The  Dogwood Faery then understood the irritation of the elven time traveler and realized she needed to say good bye.


 The time traveler left and the Dogwood Faery looked on.

The Redbud Faery had a feeling shed be back. And then a chill swept across the glen and the faeries nested back into the forest.

The Forest gifts the Warrior Fae with protection. January 13 2014

The Forrest spirits placed object of protection for the Warrior Fae to guard the forest. Tp quench thirst a canteen with elven leaves, two pouches to hold secret weapons against the forests enemies,and a magickal helm with copper and the forrest symbol  for protection. With these items warriors can feel provided for by the precious forest that they protect.

A journey deeper into costuming than I ever imagined: the dryad of my dreams December 16 2013

                                                             It began with a simple fabric store I never went into but always meant to check out. They had many lovely fabrics but one remnant of beautifully stylized embroidered fabric touched my eyes. Vertical trees with birds perched on staggering limbs. With this fabric I could make the dryad of my dreams come alive. No longer restricted to any type of medium I am permitted to look at every material as an art piece while developing my artisan skills. As it is one of my  goals as an artist to master as many techniques as possible so that I may create whatever I want how ever I want all on my own. And so thy DRYAD BALL GOWN began

                                                               The sewing machine, a new technological frontier for this seamstress. Over the past two years I was determined to learn how to use the machine again as I did in middle school. Back in those days it was a little more complex and a little more touchy. I have mastered hand sewing all materials. I take great pride in my seamstress abilities with hand sewing, its a huge source of pride for me as well as joyful to me. To make this gown in time for Faeriecon East 2013 i needed to use the sewing machine. Istill had a great deal of hand sewing involved in the gown. The sewing machine allowed me to move through the basic seams and really let me concentrate on couture construction.

                                                             I didn't want to use a pattern on this gown. Most couture gowns involve draping and shaping. I used one continuous piece of fabric. I I had to the fabric told the story of my dryad. I have always been inspired by the Art Nuevu era as that era harkened in a mythical aesthetic and natural inspirations. It involved a beautiful display of materials in an elegant organic form. Gowns from that era and a few decades later reflected that aesthetic. No one really makes dresses that way anymore unless they are designers or artists. I did some visual research looking for gowns that had the similar shapes I was creating on my dress form. Unfortunately I only had enough fabric to make some thing four sizes smaller than myself. Equally the gown needed to be adjustable for a variety of sizes 5-10. This was one shot the fabric was discontinued.

                                                Machine sewing turned out to be much less difficult than I remembered with the instruction form an experienced seamstress before my attempt. Many details went into the gown. Lace beaded shoulder straps and a back strap tp hude bra lines. The front of the dress told the story with the tree and the birds the back of the dress showed the transcend existence of the dryad free to dance in the forest to show he very human very feminine  skin. elegantly giving freedom. The head peace and wings were made magickaly in my studio with techniques I haven't seen anywhere yet. but I can't share all my secrets now can I?

Autumnal Equinox Slendor November 02 2013

We now have some love Autumnal design options at affordable prices. For years I avoided crafting with silk flowers because they can look really crafty on a piece. In recent however, Ive had a change of heart . Their durability and beauty is worthy of being treated as a treasure. I have found that I realize this type of crown or set of wings is quite a memory for people to keep. Elegant placement and innovative design . 

Bigger Flight than ever before into wings. October 22 2013

This summer early on I had made a lovely collection of small wings and head pieces. In August I had the opportunity to collaborate with Photographer Joshua Geesaman  to create a fantasy shoot complete with wings that were beyond theatrical. They are waterproof and comfortable and huge/ Please enjoy the dance of the Gypsyfaery Moth and Blue Dragon Fly Faery

Midsummer's Nights Dream Woodland Nymph Collection June 16 2013

 New Headdresses designed for affordable gorgeous fun. I wanted these pieces to be super whimsical and super affordable. The fascinators are romantic. Working with the silk flowers has been a lovely departure into some very pretty creations. Flowery things just make you smile think of sunshine and summer . This is a presolstice celebration with my art.

A Midsummers Night Dream copyright 2013 June 12 2013

 I am a fine artist , but I love creating crafted costume props and making them affordable. I started my company so that anyone  had the opportunity to buy my creations. My latest Midsummer's Fae Collection of Crowns , Wands, and Wings are  elegant , simple, and affordable. Its a challenge to use materials that are nontraditional and be artistic with them. The result was quite magickal!

Crowns are braided wire and silk flowers with matching bubble wands. the bubble wands come with a strap. The Dragonfly Fae Wings cme in single and double. Stack them and create a triple wing effect. Best thing abbput these props? They are WATERPROOF ! Perfect fair props.   (I also made the top displayed with theses peaces)

new wing creations flying high all designs copyright 2013 April 15 2013


Humbling is all I can say about the construction of wings. First and for most I am not a wing maker per say. First I am an expressionistic experimental artist that FOCUSES on a fantasy theme. I consider every medium every material an opportunity to express art . I'm not just trying to PRODUCE a product for a consumer, I consider an object a sculpture that must flow and be aesthetically pleasing . Being a modern artist ( I know i do a lot of living history :D and fantasy festivals !) my roots of influence being that of the arts and crafts movement  art deco and art nuevou and some artists of the 50's i like to take the raw materials as part of the sculpture not just cover it up. The result is a light feeling of sureal-ness , like the object grew that way naturally.

I know many fabulous wing makers and by no means did I want to copy their style technique and if at all possible the materials. i wanted to make these wings different. Like some of my other designs it has a refined result mixing soft and industrial or raw materials.

steal wire , organza , crystals and feathers are the only materials used. I loves the contrast of the steal and organza but because of the beading on the fabric they matched and sort of blended. I have wire wrapped jewelry for years and have made many 3 dimensional sculptures with steal. I love its texture and i find it a really elegant metal and completely modern. 

The challenge too with a costume props is that they must be comfortable adjustable and easy to use, especially if its an item available to a fair patron. Few people who are not hardcore want to wear a heavy prop no matter stunning. The other challenge is to keep thing simple in construction for durability. They also need to be able to travel in a suitcase. And They needed to be big enough to have impact. And I think it happened.

I made sure each set had a matching crown. Ill admit to wanting to weave the wire and I really wanted these props to transform someone into another being . Because this fabric was  decadent and intricate  i wanted to leave the interior translucent. The wings themselves I felt were ethereal and needed to be of fae royalty. Magical majestic elegant regal yet showing an inner strength not to be seen as too delicate. A fae capable of defending and ruling their kingdoms.


 I will admit to showing off my wire techniques on these crowns. making the steal in the wings even more sculptural. Using the crystals creates an other worldly real especially since they are raw.

I had to make sure the wire was wrapped properly as if I was making jewelry on the wings. This included the part not seen when they are worn. they must be comfortable but equally important to me was what they looked like when not in use. They maintain a sculptural quality when hung on the wall or resting on a table top. Why not enjoy them all the time.

The white fabric was so ethereal and so romantic I had to to make them Bridal optional. Because of all the modern material and simple fabric design these props can be worn with a modern gown or a fae costume. I kept the wing shape simple enough to be subtle and show off the bride. Obviously they could be worn in a non bridal manner but i just could not resist


The chocolate organza brought me right  back to nature in a mystical sparkly way. It was essential to use citrine for the crown with natural brown feathers softening the crown and ring it a butterfly feel. All of the wings and crowns have feathers that mimic the textures on the antenna and bodies of moths and butterflies.

Im on Etsy again April 03 2013

 you can purchase my items from ETSY as well as here. Either way you need ot call me to process the credit card we can di it over hte phone through the square. A lot of wonderful art is on Etsy i buy from there .

<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script><script type='text/javascript'>new Etsy.Mini(5743821,'gallery',4,3,0,'');</script>

Im on easy again April 03 2013

 you can purchase my items from ETSY as well as here. Either way you need ot call me to process the credit card we can di it over hte phone through the square. A lot of wonderful art is on Etsy i buy from there .

My flight into wings. April 01 2013

 Last year i came out with a line of mini wings. While people enjoy them  overwhelmingly people have requested that i do larger wings. My hats are pff to many of the wings smiths out there that i know and  respect. And my respect has deepened even more after constructing my first set of  large fabric wings. I have many plans and experiments ahead of me for these new creations. Keep in mind I also paint and sew couture projects and jewelry and accessories are other items i make. I try to keep items interchangeable and creation of a mood throughout the year. I am also a multi media artist and that will be reflected in the new sets of wings.

IN_VESTMENT March 15 2013

                                                                     My journey onto the faery realm and time traveling fashions i have explored the world of mens clothing at a very basic level. THE VEST.  What an amazing garment. So many styles from barbarian to gentleman. A good vest just sets the tone of the rest of the clothes without competing with the other clothing worn. I explored the vest because men have been loving my leather clothing for women and want clothing as well. Magickal Things Studios and art boutique also carries fair rade basic mens clothing. Pirate shirts , nearu collar , wrap pants, arabic pants, and trousers. We also have our graphics on activewear and dress shirts. 


Fantasy Graphics and Natural Photography Combined now available in print. March 02 2013

 A few years ago Marjorie Dulaney combined a couple of her graphic designs with her unaltered nature photography. her inspiration was the English hoax put on by two English Girls when the box camera was starting to be used by amature photographers. They fooled the news paper with their photograph and later admitted to it simply being drawings on hat pins. These prints harken to a time when faeries existed. because of marjorie's use of color and subtle soft pallet the images blend well with their surroundings.

The Year Ahead The Year we passed February 07 2013

 Well what an adventure this year has been! We are now doing shows on both coasts. A new development has been our Couture Collection of Hand Sewn Garments. We do not have a mass collection of items as the are hand sewn individual art pieces. The line of spells has continued to be popular.Another popular addition has been our printed products of mugs keychains and journals and other printed items. These products have allowed collectors to poses art that is practical. Magickal things is in its fourth year at the locust street location, We are trying to do more shows this year. If you know of any we are interested in shows that are focused in theme so we can tailor our stock to suit it, Our outdoor  set up has grown indeed, we are proud of our growth and have used our imagination to give the best displays possible            



boudicca's revenge March 26 2012

 Deep inside Boudicca never got over the horrors that she saw in her past life, the pain the terror. What did she care how others saw her , they cared not how she saw them. As cowards wondering aimlessly hurting others with greed and disrespect. So she found a vessel a soul of light to dwell within. One that seemed so easily pliable to the greedy ones, that seemed so easy to abuse because of her loving nature. Then when those that practice deception and pain tap past the sweet loving exterior deep inside they found Budiccia patiently waiting to open their hearts in a way they just never imagined. No, Boudicca's revenge was not that of the blood she once sought but rather a lingering pain that no soul could ever escape. The confrontation of of who they really are the way a hurt woman sees them. Across the landscape she sought her revenge never caring for the consequences of the vessels soul she shared. Instead she gave her a bloody prickly armor they allowed nothing in evermore. The vessel , as it might try to take off the armor never found a way. She instead remained silent as she sliced through heart after heart that would otherwise hurt others. Only Boudicca smiled inside


New Creations from Magickal Things to be featured at Mythic Fair January 13 2011

This fall and winter I have been working with suede and deer skin to create feminine fantasy warrior wear that can be worn from a size 4-about a size 18. Each creation is designed with a particular type of myth surrounding each garment. While each piece is alluring they are meant to be worn by  women who need beautiful clothing for fierce activities. Special care is taken to hide necessary undergarments while revealing the woman's natural form . Pictures have not been taken of my recent garments. I had to take a picture of this one before it left me at Faerycon. The back was very drapey with gold satin ties securing the garment, the front is raw inspired with polished touches.

Gypsy Heart May 05 2010

AHHHHH can’t wait to roll out my tent again. Soon I hope to have some primitive ones! A few paintings became inspired from this longing.