Search for joy and Happiness in a new decade. January 04 2010

I am starting 2010 with the intent to reach out more to a wider audience, travel more while working, and genuinely bring fun with me wherever I go. Because Magickal Things now has a location in Culpeper I intend to be a part of the community events and participate as much as I am able to do. I also intend to Travel more with my personal art and design.

While Magickal Things has turned into a product line and retail art Boutique, Marjorie Dulaney’s art has transcended to include themes and styles that compliment fantasy art but are not exclusively so. Over the summer I paint a great deal with a more contemporary style and universal meditative themes. My most recent project that will continue is my tribute to the Master Artists of the Renaissance period. For this project I am working in CHARCOAL exclusively. this project is intend to look like the sketches of the masters paintings. Charcoal is one of the oldest drawing implements. It never fades though it is delicate on paper. these designs will then be reproduced onto fabrics and textiles. Like peasant blouses and tapestries and bed linens. This project is dear to me because charcoal was my first successful medium and it kept me drawing.

In order to separate the artist from the merchandise end of the business I have decided to start “TREE OF LIFE” art and design by marjorie dulaney. This way I am not limited to the genre of art I choose to create. Magickal Things will still produce merchandise by hand but the retail may include outside sources where as Tree of Life is Exclusively Marjorie Dulaney’s Creations. I will probably have some retail items at a show under “Tree of Life” but the focus will be on the art.

While I am going to travel more this year I am also interested in participating in all local town events. This means I will be available for face painting on fun days and I really do want to have an exhibit in the local 4th of July parade . I may need volunteers for this. I just want my town to be as fun and magickal as possible. For us all to have a sense of wonder and hope and joy.