Magickal Things on Locust Street April 11 2009

It is true yes I open May 1st at a real location of my very own. This venture is very exciting for me to have a real space though it is very small. It is located in the medical arts Building, an Art Deco Style building, perfect for my art.

I will have all the things I have at my antique booth and possibly more t come from other artists. the artists featured in the store are very dear and close to me. I consider having their items an honor and even a favor because they have such good energy and dedication to humanity and the planet. I am not really taking portfolios or looking for artists to display in my shop i’m stiking close to those I really know well for now.

I will indeed have some retail items that I simply do not make. the belly dance gear is handmade in turkey and fairtrade. The inscense and love oils are made in this country. the sage is hand picked by a shaman in California. I will be carrying some things from gypsy rose, though limited because I have simular clothing. i will also carry some things from azure green though not a ton of stuff. i am registered with them so if anyone needs to order supplies from them I can do so. If it seems to be an item everybody wants well I can start to carry it.

Some things that I just dont carry are herbs and crystals. at least not at this time. I have mixed feeling about carrying crystals. I love them they are beautiful and if an artists has put them in their wands or other magickal art, then you will see them. However I am simply uncomfortable buying the stones and crystals wholesale. I don’t know where they come from and I am not that fond of mining. I have met many people who sell stones have great passion for them and do the mining tham selves and know these people to be honorable and reverant towards this process. And if the time comes that they would wish to deal through me then I would consider carrying their stones. With herbs I simply feel that we can find these at a store called herbal connection in culpeper and I do not wish to compete with a fellow merchant.

I will however have some specially charged mixes for magickal purposes. no there will not be love and money spells in my shop. only self love spells and recognition of abundance is but at your grasp if you have gratitude.

I am not allowed to do tarot card readings or palm readings in Culpeper it is in fact illegal to charge for fortune telling.. i may have some oracle cards and tarot decks for sale and you may do some of your own divination with tools in the store, but there is no charge and it your reading it not me.

If you seek healing, meditative guidance, or instruction on Earth based Spirituality we can do something privately scheduled at off store hours. A donation would be nice if I set time aside, though please understande that I am not permited to smudge or burn inscense in the buildin i rent in.

The primary purpose of this shop is to share art and hand made items that have a spiritual bend to them. I look foward to meeting new people and growing in time. fetsivals are still in my future. The store will either have someone watching it on those occasions or I will need to close at those times.

May 1st is the opening date I will be in there though please tolerate adjustments and settling. culpeper is als having a street Festival that weekend google “CULPEPER DAY” to find out when. Also I will be offering face painting on appoitment basis only. I really like to ive each child the time they deserve when this is done for them.