Art News


We have a collection of items from other artists and artisans that quite visionary and soulful. You will be able to se a selection of paintings from some local pagan Artists. Neo -paganism is a growing spiritual movement that includes honoring all sorts of paths including earth based spirituality. Neo-Paganism in America differs from paganism in Europe, in that the view of pagan beliefs as having a culturally historical link, whereas the American view is heavily influenced by the puritanical beginnings  of the culture of this country. Neo-Pagan art often projects a feeling of reunification with the spirit and the connection to the universe. We have a fine selection of handmade art dolls inspired by ancient myths and legends. Bold brilliant mystical  soulful and expressive. A small collection that will provoke imagination and thought. Call for a private showing 540-718-1631.

The movement towards Earth Based spirituality and and a natural aesthetic is nothing new. In the Art Nuoevou Era paganism , occult practice, and a return to female energy was present in the artwork and the interests of the society of the time. While visiting both Mount PIlliar (The home of James Madison) and Thomas Jefferson's Monticello displayed proudly Greek Pagan Art. Thomas Jefferson displayed spiritual artifacts from Native Americans in his Foyer. Pagan themed art and earth based spirituality have stayed and keep reemerging in our culture and society.

Really I am so fortunate to be able to see the work of Michelle Powell in the Medical Arts Building

Her pieces “THe Key” of three compelling portraits with depth, mystery, and understanding. They are luminous in technique, you simply wont believe how stunning and mind-blowing they are in an art-deco style building. This is a must see!

I also write articles about art and artists that inspire me. I am not an art critic, so I am mearly giving praise. These article will remain positive. I view art with my soul and eyes. With kindness in them you can see much beauty.


I just love his work. A small biography may follow. But for now let’s just enjoy his work.

Gustav Klimt discovering why I love this art after researching the artist

I felt compelled to write an article on Gustav Klimpt because my website comes up first in a google search for his name. However I have only lists him as an artist I admire. I have seen his art many times in books and reproduced forms, I have always been enchanted. Doing research on him allowed me to see why I felt a connection. I found out I not only love his art , I really enjoyed his philosophy behind art. The belief that art should influence everything from architecture to fashion. This artist was what all artist should aspire to innovative, provocative, and foresighted.

Gustav was born in Vienna in 1862 to a goldsmith and engraver. He was born at a time when the world was changing and moving into the Victorian era. Every artist needs something to rebel against. Victorian stuffy values are perfect for rebellion! In America it was a time of discovery in the West. Technology was about to emerge and explode. And this tiny baby was about to be influenced by his environment and have an incredible impact in art and society.

He studied at the Vienna School for the Decorative Arts. In 1882 he open a studio with his brothers and began to paint murals. Mural painting is wonderfully large work that allows you to get details in large strokes. It also allows your imagination and mind to expand larger than life.

In 1897 he led the Vienna Succession and was joined by like minded artist and many architechs.These artist rebelled against the academic art of the time. Need I mention the camera was developed at this time? Art could be more expressionistic with the development of the camera. Much of academic art was used for illustration purposes. Cameras took away our need for that type of art. The Vienna Succession also produced limited prints.

The style Art Nouveau was created. This style follows organic lines and allows the world to interact with nature. Much of his work was considered controversial because of it’s nudity. He explored the female form in his later works and created a some beautiful works. The female was painted lyrically and sensually. Strikes a cord in my goddess loving heart. He later left the succession and influenced fashion and jewelry.

His paintings were rarely on canvas. He used many materials from gold leaf to crayon. The famous and painting seen in girls dorm rooms across the country “THE KISS” uses gold leaf, graphite, oil paint , and even crayon. Academic artist would not experiment in this manner.
So Gustav was a bit of a rebel and innovator. He helped to change art forever. He experiment and expressed and influenced. And here is the good news. You can too. You can use your own art,innovation, philosophy, and moxy to create a newer more beautiful world!
enjoy this slide show from u-tube

The animation in this movie is lovely. I just wanted to share the introduction to it. Art in animation is so incredible and such a wonderful invetion. I would love to animate my own work in the future.